After "The Reunion"

This page is a work in progress

"Indianapolis Monthly" had an exceptionally good year in 1987. The Community Service Council found five articles in IM (among them "The Reunion") worthy of its "CASPER" award but thought it unfair to give five awards to one publication. So they concluded they'd give Editor Deborah Paul an award for picking five great pieces. I got to go to the awards presentation and get my picture taken with Ms.Paul and the other four authors but the award itself hangs on her wall -- not mine.

Then the "Indiana Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists -- Sigma Delta Chi" voted "The Reunion" as "Best Magazine Feature 1987". The awards presentation was much nicer and lots more fun. The plaque is nicer looking an that baby is all mine! It hangs on MY wall.

I hope to update this page soon with stories of how "The Reunion" changed my personal life too.

Click here to return to the story.

Click here to read about how the story got published.

Click here to return to my handicap page.

Click here to return to my home page.

Last updated:March 7, 1996

Please write me: Chris Young